First Class Students

With our expertly crafted study materials we empower students like you to unlock your full potential and soar to new heights of success in your academic journey.

Academic Help for UK University Students

I teach the methods that helped me achieve 1st Class Honours in three books.

You can click on the covers below to read previews.

You can also check out my diploma and other credentials at the bottom of the page.

—> Please contact via the contact form to get access.


P.S. You can also use my former student email address to send me a message: [email protected]

P.P.S If you are sitting an essay-based exam, the books below will show you how to ace that exam.
Ignore the advice in these books at your own risk!

Qualitative Subjects

Click on any of the book covers to learn more about the systems that reliably produce top results!


Feel free to click on the images in the gallery below to see my credentials.


Although perhaps counter-intuitive, 70+/100 marks is considered excellent, i.e. ‘1st Class’.

Example: 67/100 might seem like a poor grade in, say, the American system, yet it is in fact a very high grade in the UK.

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Learn a systematic approach to Quant courses – no matter if it’s Econ, Accounting or Maths, applying this system will boost your grades!

Video From The Graduation Ceremony

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